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Mourning Dove Mating

I've been watching birds in my backyard during the entire covid-19 lock down. Probably that's one of the best thing I could do when venturing out for pleasure is forbidden. We got two feeders in the backyard, one for the hummingbirds and the other for the regular backyard birds.
The regular visitors in the feeder are 'Dark Eyed Junco', 'House Finch', 'Oak Titmouse', 'Chestnut-backed chickadee', and few other backyard birds. My wife has been busy with the camera most of the time. She sets the camera early morning on the tripod and rush to take few shots whenever she hears the bird chirping in the backyard.
On Friday evening, June 12, I was wrapping up my remote work for the week when I heard these Dove pair cooing in the backyard. I went behind the camera to check. They were still enjoying the seeds from the feeder. The male finished first and went to the fence. The female followed and landed next to the male. She slowly went closer to the male and gave him a soft poke. I was already taking shots of their every move. The next few minutes, I was entertained with their amazing display of love making. Here are the photographs of the whole series for my readers to visualize. Prints and digital downloads of these photos are available through 'Fine Art America'.
They are thinking

She gave a tender poke


He responded passionately

The Beak is now locked


The time is now

And they got into the final act

I've taken more than 100 shots starting from their foreplay till the end of their mating. I've put about 30 of them on Fine Art America. You can view the remaining shots in the collection, all compiled together and arranged from foreplay to end in the order. Please visit the collection here: Mourning Dove Mating

Amazing Action Catalog

The best way you can support my photography would be buying a print for your walls at home or office. You can browse and order from the catalog below. Your order will be processed and shipped by 'Fine Art America'. They offer excellent customer service with 30 days money back guaranteed, if you aren't satisfied for any reason

If you are looking for a digital image license for your advertising or any other needs, please follow the link for  Fine Art America - PIXELS Store

Contact me if you need a discount on my commission part for any print or merchandise of your choice.

Whale Watching at Moss Landing

This was my 3rd whale watching trip, just wanted to see the magnificent animal leaping out of the water and slamming back on the ocean surface. Watching a whale breaching is really amazing and photographing that moment would be every wildlife photographer's dream. It does require a lot of luck and I was third time unlucky. Yet, this was the best whale watch trip, far better than my other two.

This is just outside the harbor, not far from the shore, you can see people on Kayak  in the frame

A pair diving Together

A tail with white back

Waterfall from the tail

Barnacles on the tail

More Barnacles

Another pair, almost going down together

This one is completely black

Waterfall from Whale Tail

The White Patches

Anchovies all over the whale's back. These are the one escaped from the whale's mouth but some of them ended up as Sea Gull's Lunch.


Awesome Barnacles

Beautiful WaterFall

WaterFall  from the Tail

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